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Week 6 (10/13): Brand Storytelling -Jewelry online store website

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

How to build a brand story

A good story will make customers stay and create loyalty. A story will help create a much deeper connection with the customer because it will help them feel identify. To create a good deep story we will use the basic 3 points from Joseph Campbell's hero journey, and then add a four-point on how this story relates to the customer

  1. The main character has a dream or a problem

  2. There is a challenge or a conflict that the main character needs to solve

  3. Resolution to the conflict or challenge that the main character solve

  4. How the customer beneficiate from the story

Kamaq Quri Story

Alyson wishes to see more representation of her culture internationally. She wishes there is a brand or entertainment media that represents her and she can relate. Her culture and the stories from her country are little known internationally. People from her own country don’t want to tell their own country stories to the world. She wants to do something that inspires people to tell their own stories about where they come from and who they are. Found Kamaq Quri, a jewelry brand that tells the story of the God Viracocha, the great creator in Inca mythology. Try to encourage her own people to tell Peruvian stories to the world. Encourage the rest of the world to create and share their own personal stories, from where they come from. Encourage people to be authentic and proud of themselves, and tell that to the rest of the world.

Common elements among jewelry e-commerce websites

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