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Week 11 (11/17): Illustration Style Research

The illustrations that are in the packages and posters took inspiration from the mood board above. After the first round of using illustration as a way to tell the creation myth story visually, I notice that those illustrations weren't working and didn't represent the story at all. Then, I knew that I needed to change the illustration style. I draw inspiration from several sources that depict actions in simple drawings. I started by looking at cave paintings, they tell a story, an event that happened in simple and easy-to-recognize drawings. Then, I remember that in one of the mangas that I read, the author utilizes a cave painting style to represent the history of the world of the story. In another scene, the author's silhouette depicts dance movements. From this, I went to look into Diego Rivera's mural. Although his paintings aren't simple and have several layers in a composition, they tell a story, and that is what I want to analyze, how these paintings and drawings tell a story without words. That idea leads me to look into Egypt wall art, which serves the same idea, telling a story. Then I look into Kara Walker's silhouette paintings. They are silhouettes without many details, but they tell a story, through the actions, and the way she depicts the people. Finally, I look into the Nazca lines drawings and Inca textiles, to understand more about how the Inca tell their stories through art. How they portray certain things, how they made their shapes, and how the lines work in their art.

All and each of these sources inspire the illustration style that I use for the package and poster illustrations.

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