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Week 5 (10/6): Brand position and Jewelry Market Research

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

Brand positioning

There are 3 main components of a brand; feeling, promise, and relationship. The gut feeling your audience has when your brand comes out. The vow a brand makes to its audience. The quality of interaction between the brand and its clients. These components will make your brand closer to the audience and more credible.

We can use brand positioning to stand out from the competitors. A brand should be unique, appealing to the right customer, and be able to build customer loyalty. But how we can create a strong brand positioning strategy?

First, identify our customer persona. For the brand that I'm building my customer persona will look like this:

Taylor Gonzales


Gender: non-binary

Age: 23

Income: $52,000

Occupation: Marketing

Location: Rent a small apartment in Los Angeles, California


  • Complete their undergraduate in Santa Clara University, CA

  • They’re looking to get into the University of San Francisco to complete their master

  • Comes from a Hispanic family

  • Single with one cat

  • Parents are teachers, one English teacher and another History teacher, both work at Santa Clara university.

Hobbies & Interests:

  • Read books, their favorites genres are fantasy, historical, world mythologies

  • Practice manifestation, beliefs in the universe

  • Likes fashion and always wears a beautiful outfit

  • Love family time


  • Get into USF and finish their master

  • Achieve a salary of $88K and be able to open their own marketing agency

  • Buy a house for their family


  • Struggling to come out with a good and original story for the campaign they are assigned to do in their work.

  • Struggling to be themselves in front of new people

Common Objections:

  • “The ideas that I have in mind are very common themes among the market, it is nothing original”

  • “People might not like me for being different from them”

Biggest Fears:

  • Not be able to show their true selves to the world.

  • Not knowing how to embrace their heritage and not be proud of where they came from.

  • Being afraid of not being creative and original

Then evaluate your competition and identify the empty spot in the market. After that create a brand position according to your research.

My brand position:

Kamaq Quri Brand Positioning

For young diverse people, Kamaq Quri is the jewelry brand that will help you to embrace your authenticity and be proud of who you are so you can speak up about your origin story.

Create a strong visual identity for a brand

After creating a positioning strategy for our brand, it's time to give it a visual aspect of our brand. Visual identity is important for the brand because will relate more to the customer and will make it easy to identify among others brands. We need to consider color, typography, and photo style to make us differentiate ourselves. Think about what colors are the most used in the market section of your brand, and try to not go for the most obvious and common color and design style. The logo is a strong aspect of a visual identity, analyzing competitors' logos, and comes with a differentiated visual logo for the brand. It will help to think about in what ways the logo will be used it. If it's mostly for web or social media, design it according to the standards and rules for those platforms. if it's going to be used online and printed, design it versatile and take into count what is going to print and in what materials.

Jewelry market 2022 Trends

Rich Storytelling

Nowadays people consider jewelry as a personal symbolic purchase. Brands are taking into account this and creating storytelling to sell more personalized jewelry and be more close to the customer.

Digital selling

Social media has become very important to brands and nowadays most people buy online. Jewelry brands are noticing this change, so they are marketing first people online and trying to sell through social media with influencers or online promotions.

Sustainable manufacture

With the reset activism for climate change, brands are trying to go more eco-friendly. Jewelry brands are recycling gold from years ago to make new pieces. Besides this, they are also using recycle or reuse material for their piece and packages too.


This goes hand in hand with storytelling. People are looking for more personalized jewelry pieces to give meaning at the moment of giving them as a gift.

Genderfluid Jewelry

More than 35% of Gen Z identify as they/them, boundaries are being broken. Although men's jewelry always existed, jewelry brands are launching more neutral pieces or unisex pieces to appeal to a young audience.

Successful Jewelry brand website (Samples)

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