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Form of Delivery

A reminder of my thesis proposal is to represent the Inca mythology through graphic design. To be more specific, a jewelry brand that storytell the creation myth and the life of the deity Viracocha. To create a strong visual identity for this brand I need to position the brand and do market research to understand the whole concept of how to visually communicate the concept of the brand to the public. In addition, design system boards would be created along with the following elements for the brand identity.

  • Design system board elements:

    • Logo

      • Primary & secondary logo

      • Logo mark

      • Animated logo

    • Typography system

    • Color Palette

    • Icons, patterns, and photo treatment

  • Package Design:

    • Box

    • Bag

    • Little booklet for piece story

    • Thank you card with QR code for website

  • Web Design:

    • Site Map

    • Home page

    • 2 Important pages

  • Promotional Design:

    •  3 Poster 

    • Instagram Feed (9 post)

Brand Positioning

Kamaq Quri is the name of this brand jewelry. Coming from the indigenous language of Peru; Quechua, it's mean creative gold as the direct translation. The concept of this brand is creation, of self authentivcity, art, and stories.

For young diversity people, Kamaq Quri is the jewelry brand that will help you to embrace your authenticity and be proud of who you are so you can speak up your origin story.

mood board & sketches
2 mood boards options
CastilloA_Design system board-artistic-01.jpg

For this first mood board take inspiration in the creative part of the brand. Leading to the artistic side of the culture and fashion. As you can see taking inspiration form textiles and the line of Nazca for patterns. For type leading to more artistic serif fonts. 

CastilloA_Design system board-elegant-golden-02.jpg

For this second mood board take inspirtation in what the gold represent, beging more directive to what a jewelry represent. Beging elegant, fancy, and minimalistic. Having more elegant and minimalistic serif font. Leading through a golden, fancy, wealthy mood.

Logo Sketches
Final Mood Board &
Pre-Comps Logo
Design system board-FINAL 2.png

I decide to go with this mood board since I what this brand to have a more crafty, artistic look. I feel this look will help transmit better the message of being yourself and being creative. I decide to add one more color to make pop out more. I also change the image from the left corner to one that is more colorful and artistic

Thesis-Logo Pre Comps 3
Thesis-Logo Pre Comps 1
Thesis- Logo Pre Comps 2

After my professor's review and feedback, I decided to go with these three logos and see which one looks better digitally. I feel these three logos could represent very well the brand, but I leading more through the middle one. 

Site Map &
Wireframe Sketches
CastilloA_Kamaq Quri Sitemap.jpg

For the website, I try to keep to essential pages that an e-commerce website will use more. We have categories, collections, and an about page, and the page "Be Yourself" is a page where people can customize their own jewelry.


Wireframe for Home page, Category page, Product Page, Collection Page, and Our Story Page

Package Sketches

For these 5 concepts of package design, I based on things surrounding Viracocha. In concept one I made a set of necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, in a box with a card package style. In concept two, I base on the creation myth in 3 acts. I did like a comic strip to illustrate the concept. The third concept is like two boxes that when together form this half-circle shape. The concept is based on Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo. The fourth concept is like a little box that when it opens you can see three illustrations and the story explaining the illustration. The last concept is a necklace box that is cut out in the cover and let see the card which it would be a Viracocha illustration.

Logo & Brand Board
1st Draft
Thesis- Kamaq Quri- FINAL Logo.jpg

I end up going forward with this bold round logo. I adjust details like kerning and alignment among the letters. 

Brand board for blog.jpg

I convert the mood board to a brand board. I include the final logo with a different variation of colors, along with a supporting font family. Also, I include the color palette and a pattern with a variation of color and a simple illustration of Viracocha's face as an icon. Finally some photography style and jewelry styles.

Low fidelity Wireframes
Pre-Comp Package Mockups
Revised Logo Color &
Brand Board Different Directions
Thesis- Kamaq Quri- Logo FINAL.jpg

For this week, I revised the logo's colors and made it simpler. Taking into account how it is going to translate to grayscale mode. For the brand board, I tried to see another direction. More minimalistic and kind of fancy mood. But I end it up going forward with the one that I already have (the one in the left).

Wireframes with Notes

For this week, I also added notes to the wireframes for the website. and adjust details like the logo color. For the home page I madetwo a version that includes the story. One is a form of an auto-play video and the other one is a slide of images.

Another Package Direction Design

Taking into account the feedback from the professor about the package design. For this week, I came out with another package direction that focuses on the geometric shape that is significant to the Inca mythology. Frankly, I don't feel that this shape for the package works. I'm going to work on another shape that works better and that includes this cross shape in it. 

Brand Board Revised &
Story Illustration
2nd draft final Brand Board for blog.jpg

For the week of the brand board. I've tried to play more with the colors of the logo and changing to a light background and using orange and green colors. Another thing that I added is the story illustration.  As you can see below the illustration mimics a comic style, but it's not fully understandable. The story doesn't come across as an illustration. I'll figure out a way to improve this. 

1st stekches fro Illustrations for blog.jpg
Store Mockup
Design Directions
Kamaq Quri logo - store sign mock up
Shop logo mockup

Simple mockups of the logo for a store sign. After trying this, I decided to throw out this idea and not do this kind of mockup.

Another Package Direction Design
package dsign op 3.png

For this week, I've tried a different direction but kept the concept of one of my first directions. Which is like this open box that you pull and reveal the jewelry. This time I've made digital to see if this shape will work. But still doesn't convince me. 

Brand Board Revised
Castilloa8- design production 2 - mood board.jpg

For this week, I've completely set my mind on instead of trying to tell the whole creation story, I'll focus on presenting the main characters that form that story. I realized that people don't know anything about Inca mythology, and I can't tell a story without them knowing the character first. This applies to greek mythology too. I realized that people know more about the gods as characters of several stories rather that the full story that they are part of.

So, I've created avatar illustrations that represents each god. Viracocha (green), Inti (yellow), Mama Quilla (Blue/silver), Inca founders (orange). Along with patterns that represent them in a more ambiguous way. For the mood board, I decide to change the jewelry photos to jewelry that represent more the Inca jewelry. 

Final Package Shape

After deciding to shift my a little bit direction to represent the Inca mythology. I've finally decided to go with a set of four packages for different jewelry pieces. One for a necklace, one for a bracelet, one earring, and one for a ring. For the shape of the package, I've decided to go with a hexagon shape that resembles Viracocha's head. 

Package Design Prototype

After the first review of the first prototype of my packages. I got feedback that help me to define more the idea that I want to transmit through the package design. My classmate suggests making it in different sizes to choose the hierarchy of the gods among them. This will also serve in favor of the jewelry. In terms of the design, they suggest making each box the same color as the god that they represent.  

Promotional Poster
1st Draft
promotional poster -the creation - stage 1_Page_3.jpg

This is the first draft of the promotional poster for the jewelry set. I've decided to put the whole creation story in the poster through simple illustrations. I have to say that the illustration style is based on/and inspired by several murals and caves painting. With this I want them to resemble prehistoric drawing style, as the Incas themselves are telling the story. I've included the written story at the bottom as a small body copy just in case people don't get the illustrations. 

Final Brand Board

For this week I finalize the brand board. For the finalized version of the brand board, I've included the finalized color version of the logo. I've changed the jewelry photos to ones that go more according to the brand, golden jewelry. I included illustrations of the gods and their patterns. I've also included some illustrations from the story to indicate the illustration style. 

Promotional Poster
2nd Draft

For the second draft of the poster, I include the jewelry pieces that will go inside the package. I include the logo to indicate the brand, an important part of the design. I also improve the typesetting for the body text and change the design and position of the title for the set. 

Home Page
Website & Instagram

I decide to resume website design. For this week, I only design the home page including slides of images of the illustration of the story that will slide through the window. 

Also, I started designing the Instagram page for the jewelry brand. Focusing more on how each post should work as an individual to see it on the main page of Instagram. 

Sem Final
Package Design

After several prototypes made with paper. It was about time to make them with the real material that it going to be sold. I used pressed cardboard to make the jewelry boxes. It took me a lot of tries to get them to fit perfectly on the bottom with the top part of the box. 

Sem Final Website Pages & Instagram Page
CastilloA_ KamaqQuri-Social Media for revise.jpg

After revising the package and the poster design, I decided to review the website design. I added one more page, which is the product page. How the product is going to be displayed along with the part of the story that jewelry pieces are related to. 

Instead of putting the illustration as slide images. I decide to put up a promotional banner for the jewelry set. The promotional poster will serve as an introduction to the illustration.

For the Instagram page, I've changed and designed the feed to make it more interesting looking. Having the photos of the jewelry and models with it to the sides and in the middle presenting the jewelry pieces. I still to work on the highlights cover design. 

Sem Final
Poster Versions

Finally, for the poster, I've made a quite few changes. First, I put the logo as the primary title and the name of the collection under it. For the first version, I made the gods' illustration highlight it from the other illustration by putting them in color. For the second version, I made the jewelry interact with the Gods' faces and added gems to the jewelry to connect the jewelry to the gods. For the third version, I include the package box for each the jewelry and the jewelry interact with the package box. For the fourth version, I include a photo of the package design with all the boxes together and the jewelry interacting with it. I made another two posters to go along with the fourth one. One poster promotes only the necklace and the ring, and another promotes the bracelet and the earrings. From that, I made other versions where I change the color background. One where they are with a gradient, kind of like spray paint looking. And, another with colorful background. I end it up forward with the gradient color background. 

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